What We Do

CUREJ brings the work of racial justice into churches with a contextual path of following Jesus and the spirit of reconciliation.

Most American Christian denominations have deep roots in and continue to practice white supremacy, having yet to do the work of reconciling the foundations of their doctrine.
CUREJ brings the work of racial justice into churches with a contextual path of following Jesus and the spirit of reconciliation.

An essential point is connecting economics and race. When we talk about race, we need to talk about class. When we talk about class, we need to talk about race! This intersection is at the foundation of true understanding.

A Great Confession

A great confession is necessary for Christians to make–and it’s that their predominantly white subset of America will not talk about race unless class is brought up first. Simply put, Christians/white people see “class” as an issue that affects them, and “race” as a separate issue. We must unite the two conversations.

Christianity has been habituated to taking authority over the poor, and the non-white. This segregation by cultures is a tactic to avoid the difficult and urgent work necessary to achieve unity and liberation. 

The Church can provide a place of hope, grace, and love–the essential qualities experienced with freedom under Christ. But in Christ we are not free unless we are all free.

Uniting under one Spirit, we stand in power together for freedom.

CUREJ works toward restoration through nonviolent practices developed from the idea of Shalom.

Ready to reconcile?

CUREJ walks with you on the journey of reconciling with the new life born of racial repentance, and entering the two-way street of transformative healing, providing step-by-step analysis and teachings on how to bring your congregation or spiritual group through the truth-process.